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Life has been tough of late for the proprietress of the PennDutch Inn, Magdalena Yoder. Her husband turned out to be a bigamist, the guest list for her recently rebuilt PennDutch Inn is not as robust as she'd like, and her sister plans to marry her arch nemesis. So Magdalena Yoder is not in a good mood and she's more than happy to let everyone in town know exactly how she feels.
Fortunately, a group of World War II veterans once stationed in Africa have come to town. Ostensibly at the inn for a reunion with their fellow troop members, in reality the veterans are looking for "the Butcher of Tunis," a Nazi rumored to have escaped to the U.S. hiding out as an Amish man. Also staying at the Inn are a world-famous pianist and her academic husband, who has a mission of his own...
But when a dead body turns up under suspicious circumstances, Magdalena becomes the primary suspect. And another disappearance leads Magdalena to think the murderer is finally moving the pieces of a carefully orchestrated vendetta. If Magdalena doesn't find the true murderer soon, she could lose her Inn, her good name, and so much more...
"Bubbling over with mirth and mystery." –Dorothy Cannell
"A delicious treat." –Carolyn G. Hart